
YoucandownloadtheshortcutontheMacStorieswebsite.Federico'sstoryalsohasanin-depthexplanationofthetechnicallogisticsof ...,Version3.2isamajorupdatethatintroducesbrandnewframesfortheiPhone15Proline,improvesthereliabilityofframingscreenshots.,ThisshortcutletsyoueasilyaddframestoscreenshotsstorediniCloudDrive,automaticallysavingtheframedscreenshotsinthesamefolder.,The“AppleFramesShortcut”automatica...

Apple Frames shortcut updated with support for latest iPhone, iPad ...

You can download the shortcut on the MacStories website. Federico's story also has an in-depth explanation of the technical logistics of ...

Viticci Releases Apple Frames 3.2, One of My Favorite Shortcuts

Version 3.2 is a major update that introduces brand new frames for the iPhone 15 Pro line, improves the reliability of framing screenshots.

Frame Screenshots

This shortcut lets you easily add frames to screenshots stored in iCloud Drive, automatically saving the framed screenshots in the same folder.

Add Apple Frame To Your IPhone Or IPad Screenshots 2023

The “Apple Frames Shortcut” automatically applies the appropriate Apple device frame to your screenshots based on the device model. As of now, it may not offer ...

Apple Frames 3.2 Brings iPhone 15 Pro Frames, Files Picker, and ...

Today, I'm releasing version 3.2 of Apple Frames, my shortcut to put screenshots taken on Apple devices into physical device templates.

Apple Frames 3.1.1 with Support for Passthrough Mode

Passthrough mode turns Apple Frames into a native action of the Shortcuts app that returns a standard image variable as its output.

Introducing iFrames v2.1 with support for the iPhone 15 lineup and ...

iFrames is a Siri Shortcut that allows you to add Apple Device Frames around your screenshots. Simply select a screenshot you have taken, and the frame you ...

Apple Frames. Pls help iOS 18 : rshortcuts

The shortcut pull the device in for from the screenshot and uses it to pull the device border image from the Frames folder in Files.

Apple Frames, my shortcut for putting screenshots inside physical ...

Apple Frames, my shortcut for putting screenshots inside physical Apple device frames, is now fully compatible with the latest Apple devices ...

For several years now I've been working on a shortcut called Apple ...

A shortcut called Apple Frames to automatically put screenshots taken on any Apple device into a pretty physical frame.